What a weekend.
That’s all I can say . . .
From all of the amazing speakers who rocked the stage, to all of the incredible men and women in attendance who traveled from around the world to make the first ever 2016 Elite Man Conference!
This was truly something special.
I have to be quite honest, I wasn’t sure how this was going to go. Even though I knew I had some very talented men and women helping me put on the show, the first one is always scary because you never know what you’re going to get.
Leading up to it I was nervous as hell. But when 7:30am hit on Saturday morning (August 6th), and people starting rolling in through the conference doors, I have to say, I was thrilled!
And from there it only got better . . .
One speaker after the next gave inspiring talk after inspiring talk. And the audience listened on the edge of their seats to each speaker, soaking in every word, and eagerly awaiting the next “aha” moment.
It was truly something to behold.
I knew the line-up I’d gotten together was world-class, but I didn’t know what world-class actually looked like live-and-in-person. And I certainly had no idea the affect it could have on an audience.
Until last weekend.
“This conference literally changed my life!”
“Thank you so much for putting this together Justin.”
“This is unbelievable man. Really, I can’t tell you how much this conference has helped me!”
These are some of the words members of that audience have shared with me since the conference wrapped up.
I am so happy and thankful to hear these things.
I’m truly honored and honestly quite surprised at this praise. I knew the potential of this event and I knew how powerful it could be, but to see it all before me and to hear people saying it to me, it was just so surreal. And amazing!
I cannot wait ’til next year’s event and want to build from the incredible 2016 Elite Man Conference.
I know that next year will be bigger, better, and even more life-changing than this year.
“The first one’s always the hardest,” as the saying goes, and as I was repeatedly told by my contemporaries over and over again.
I have to say they were absolutely right. That was a lot of work, and definitely more than I had ever anticipated it would be. But the success of it all, and the one-of-a-kind experience that it was, makes it all worth it.
Here’s to Elite Man Conference 2017, and to bigger, bolder, and even better conferences to come…
The Elite Man Conference is definitely the best men’s conference in the world! 🙂
For all 2016 Elite Man Conference pictures click here!
Matt Adams says
Very happy to have participated Justin, thank you very much for the invite! I’m happy to help with anything you need in regards to the event in the future. ~Matt
Justin Stenstrom says
Thanks Matt! Was a pleasure to meet you and have you add so much value to the conference. Will be in touch brother!