First of all there is nothing wrong with being “shy”. I, myself, am “shy” at times and frequently hesitant when faced with new surroundings. I was born introverted. I like spending a lot of time by myself and often enjoy doing things alone. That’s nature’s aspect on my life. I was born this way. However by the same token I am not perpetually introverted, nor do I believe that anyone is. I am not “shy” when I am by myself, nor am I “shy” when I am around my friends, and I am certainly not “shy” around my family. In fact, I am quite the opposite in all of these aforementioned categories. I am outgoing, loud, and very much extroverted when around people I am comfortable with and with myself.
Is anyone on planet Earth really, truly, “shy”? This is a very interesting question, and one that I often like to consider. In fact, I dedicate an entire chapter to this very question in my upcoming novel Giving Shy Guys Game. Although I coach self-proclaimed, or otherwise perpetually labeled “shy” guys, it is my contention that nobody is in fact “shy”.
This goes completely against the norm of what society has often told us. I do firmly believe that everyone has “shy” moments throughout the day, or that people can act timid from time to time. But to think that this emotion is everlasting in individuals is wrong. How could anyone constantly have this emotion? How could anyone continually have any emotion for that matter? It just doesn’t seem plausible to me.
I am still quiet at times, but have learned how to overcome being in this state. I no longer have to worry about being shy, because I have realized that I am not really shy at all. Yes, I can feel uneasy in different situations, but this does not in any way stop me from acting, or doing, whatever I feel like doing.
I now know what I want you to know: Shyness isn’t really a problem. Everyone can be shy at times, including the people who are labeled as “shy”. But nobody, including these “shy” persons is in fact really shy. These shy people just tend to enter that state of being shy more frequently than others for whatever reasons. But just because they spend more time within that state of being shy, does not mean that they become shy.
Frequently entering into this state of being shy is a problem, like any other, that can be fixed. It may take some time, but it can easily be done. It took me a long time to realize this, but once I did, it made things much easier for me. I always used to think I was just a “shy” person, and that’s how I lived my life, quiet and socially introverted. But once I realized that I really wasn’t “shy” I was able to start becoming more outgoing and social. I started doing what is normal for all people to do, and that is being the social and friendly creatures that we were born to be.
Take it from a “shy guy”, who is now a professional dating coach, being shy can easily be overcome.