Approaching women is quite possibly the most amazing activity in the world!
Nothing beats the thrill of going up to a woman you are attracted to and having the chance to make a real-life connection with her. The excitement and joy of a successful approach is addicting. It’s like winning the jackpot at the slot machines for the always-hopeful gambler. Only better.
Most guys will never understand. Most guys just don’t get it. But then again, most guys aren’t professional dating coaches, so I get it. Fortunately for me, I have gotten to know this feeling of excitement all too well.
I started off being terrified of approaching women.
Filled with fear, awkwardness, and a lot of uncertainty, I made the plunge and decided to just go for it one day, many years back. My first few approaches, and my first few months of approaching, were horrible and wildly unsuccessful. But there was something about the whole experience that I loved.
Even though I didn’t connect with a ton of women or get all that many numbers at first, there was something great happening even still. I could sense it…
I knew something profound had been shaping itself from deep within my soul.
After getting over the initial shock and fear of approaching a random woman on the street, I was left with a bold confidence in myself. Knowing I was able to do, what most guys could only dream of, gave me great self-assurance like I’d never had before.
Being a natural, stone-cold introvert, I was pushing my personal boundaries to the absolute limit every time I went out and went up to a woman. It was mind-altering to say the least, and I fell in love with it.
You see most people walk around like sheep.
It’s almost like someone has cast a spell on our society over the last few decades. We have become less and less social and more and more like walking zombies. Stumbling past one another, face-to-face contact and organic, new social connections have become virtually extinct. Instead, we try to hide behind the screens of our computers and the displays of our smart phones, thinking that somehow this will be enough to curb our natural craving to socialize.
Chatting on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram is okay from time to time, and I’m certainly no anti-social-media-nut, but nothing beats talking to someone in person. The energy and emotion that two people generate when connecting face-to-face is incredible.
The best part about approaching women is…that you get to meet more women!
By approaching women you quite literally have the option of talking to any woman you want. Let me repeat this because it’s important: You can talk to Any Woman you come across. No longer do you have to passively sit around and wait for women to fall upon your lap; you can actually go out and meet them on your own!
Being proactive and deciding to partake in approaching women is empowering and liberating. It makes you feel more alive and decisive about what you want to do with your life. You take the reins of your dating life and steer yourself in exactly the direction you want to go!
You don’t have to do it every day.
You can do it every so often, or once in a while. You needn’t become obsessed with going up to random women every time you go out; this is just weird. But talking to women when you go out to social settings and getting comfortable with starting conversations with women at the bar or women you see out and about during the day is definitely recommended. Women actually love talking to guys, but most guys are just afraid of actually taking that first step and initiating a conversation.
Even if you only try it once in your life, try it! You will not be disappointed if you really give it your best effort. Approaching women is truly an amazing feeling, and not many guys have experienced it. If you are lucky enough, like I have been, it just might completely change your life! So go out now and try it, you could be just seconds away from meeting the love of your life!
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