Everyone has insecurities. Let’s face it; the world we live in is a tough one. It’s tough trying to be your best when it seems like you are competing with everyone around you. Look no further than the cover of nearly any magazine and you’ll see a picture perfect model with no visible blemishes on their entire body. And just like Skee-Lo in his rap song I Wish from the 1990’s, we all wish we were a little better at something. I too, just like the wise and elegant rapper, wouldn’t mind being “a little bit taller.”
I used to hate being short, but I’ve grown to live with it. It used to bother me a lot, because I was always the shortest guy in a roomful of people; however I got over it. I worked on things that really mattered instead of superficial things that didn’t. Who really cares about how tall you are anyways? No one! Only you (or in this case I did) think about it!
This used to be one of the things that held me back when it came to meeting women. I thought, “Why would a girl like a guy as short as me?” If there was someone else taller than me I would always think that she would prefer the taller guy over me, the self-proclaimed “Shorty.” At one point I thought that I would be no woman’s “type” and that no woman would actually want a guy as flawed as me.
I know, it’s a very sad story. However, there is a happy ending…
Over the years, like I mentioned, I really got over this particular insecurity and it doesn’t bother me one bit today. In fact I have embraced my short stature and use it to my advantage. Being a shorter guy I am less assuming than most other guys and can therefore fly under the radar in most cases. I am much easier to communicate with, which is definitely a plus when it comes to meeting women. Most women are more comfortable around a guy who is less physically imposing, and I know this, and use it to my advantage. Even my girlfriend now, who I’ve been with for over two years, has told me on numerous occasions that she would never have dated someone like me before. That “I was, and am, just not her ‘type.’”
When I dug in a little more about what she meant exactly by “type,” she told me that she usually dated big, tall guys, who were like twice the size of me. This probably would have offended me before (a very long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away) but I just laughed at it now. I know that height really doesn’t mean anything. She loves me more than anyone else on the planet, and I know that just because I’m short, that’s not going to change a thing. You see, she, just like all women, fall in love with personality and spirit, above all else. If you can develop your personality and in turn a great spirit, any woman will love you, regardless of whether or not you are their “type.”
Having a “type” is useless. When women talk about guys they would date and say things like “Oh he’s not my type. I would never date a guy like that.” They truly don’t realize that despite what they may think, if the right man came along and she was attracted to his personality or spirit, and he wasn’t her type, she would absolutely, 100 percent date him! Talking about types of guys or types of women is fun, but it really doesn’t mean a thing when it’s all said and done.
If you don’t believe me, just ask my girlfriend!