Finding happiness is perhaps life’s greatest mystery. Most people search their whole lives trying to obtain it. It’s what we all want. But most of us have no idea of how to acquire it or what it really even is. Here are 10 insights into the mystery behind it . . . the 10 happiness secrets!
1. Most People Will Never Find Happiness In Life
They spend all of their time doing things that make them unhappy. From working too much, to not having a job they like, to not spending time with their children, to eating unhealthy, to not taking care of themselves—most people miss out on doing things that really make them happy. Instead, they focus their efforts on things that don’t make them happy and completely miss out on life’s greatest gifts.
2. Happiness Is A Warm Gun
Just kidding. Happiness is not a warm gun, or any gun for that matter! People who look to violence or aggression are generally the unhappiest people in life. People who are typically not aggressive, violent, or harmful to others, however, are generally much happier. Anger management was founded based off this belief.
3. The Little Things Make People Happy
Volunteering at a homeless shelter, teaching a younger child a skill, helping out the needy—these actions all give people a great sense of well-being and gratitude. Do these things, things that won’t seemingly benefit you right away, and reap the benefits down the road! Although most homeless people, elderly citizens, or even children can’t really give you anything tangible per se, what they do give you is something much more profound. They give you the seeds to grow happiness. Study after study documents the pleasure people get from helping others.
4. You Can’t Buy Happiness
Just like you can’t buy love, you can’t buy happiness either. Money doesn’t make people happy. In fact, it might make them unhappy! Daniel Kahneman did great research into this topic and concluded that money doesn’t make people happy at all, and by striving to obtain so much of it, you can lose focus on things that actually do bring you happiness.
5. Even the Most Depressed People Can Find Happiness
No matter how low or down-and-out you feel, you can always get yourself out of a funk. It’s never too late to find happiness. Never give up on life. If you are severely depressed seek help! Trust me, there is nothing that can’t be overcome. It’s never too late to find true happiness with yourself and in life!
6. Happiness is Relative
You can find it in any place if you make do with what you have. This might explain why people with seemingly horrific life tragedies seem to get over these difficulties and still remain happy. People who become paralyzed, people who lose a loved one, people who lose their house; all of these individuals can find happiness. There are so many examples of people with incredibly difficult or tragic circumstances in life who do just that!
7. Exercise Can Make You Happy
Exercising regularly has been shown in numerous studies to be as effective, if not more effective, than prescription anti-depressants! When you exercise you release endorphins and other feel-good chemicals in the brain. Become active 3-5 days out of the week and see happiness enter your life!
8. Friendships Bring Happiness
We are a social species by nature. We love connecting with people and sharing our experiences with them. Having friends to live life with fulfills us in ways that nothing else can! Make more friends by being more active and being more social in your everyday life. Sign up for a group, take a fun class, chat with more co-workers, go out to parties or events—start sharing your life with others!
9. Finding a Lifelong Partner or Spouse Makes You Happy
Just like having friends brings happiness, having a partner or spouse does the same. Having someone to connect with and share life’s most precious and intimate moments with is truly extraordinary! Nothing beats being able to connect with another person whom you love. The most important thing in life is to love and be loved by someone!
10. Laughing, Being Silly, and Living Like a Child Makes You Happy
Can you remember back to when you were a 7-year-old child? Were you worried about your job, bills, payments, or anything else? Of course not! Your biggest worry was probably what snack you were going to eat on any given day. You laughed and played and acted silly and enjoyed life all the time. But what happened to this? Where did it all go?
Stop taking life so seriously and relax more. Take a break from time to time and try to summon up your old, former self. Find that child in you, and appreciate the little things in life. This will make you appreciate your life more and in turn bring you unbelievable amounts of happiness!
Happiness will always be something to strive for. Whether you’re fortunate enough to obtain it or not is ultimately up to you. Take these 10 secrets though, and carry them with you. Do not forget them as you go through life. Try your best to keep them in mind and try your best not to get lost or distracted by things that take away or mask true happiness.
If ever in life you find yourself truly happy, you’ve done alright!