You see a woman across the bar. She is laughing, smiling, and having a great time with her friends. She seems to stick out of the crowd and you can’t seem to keep your eyes off of her. She is not just socially attractive, but physically as well…yes, she seems exactly your type. Yet you linger a bit and wonder if you should talk to her. You ask yourself what most of us do, “I wonder if she’s interested.”
Well, this article will give you a few quick and easy tips to let you know if she is giving off any clues for you to approach her.
The number one thing to look out for, no matter where you are, is the smile. If a woman looks at you and smiles, the chances are, she wants you to go talk to her. This is the most important and obvious sign to look for when deciding if you should go talk to her (putting aside the fact that I, as a dating coach, believe that you should go talk to her even before waiting for a sign). By smiling she is basically smacking you in the face with an invitation. This is her way of saying “Dude, come talk to me!”
The second thing to look for, which may not necessarily be directed at you, but is nonetheless useful, is when she is looking around. If she is with friends and she has wandering eyes, and is not really into the conversation, she is looking to have another one. Women will typically look around, survey the surrounding area, and try to find something that catches their eye. They are generally very open to talking to a man at this point. Also, if she happens to look around, and lands her eyes on you more than once, she wants you to approach her. Women usually don’t keep looking at things they don’t like, instead they tend to repeatedly look at things, or in this case, guys, that they are interested in.
The third and perhaps most obvious sign that a woman is interested in you is…she will say something to you. Even if she says something completely out of the park and seemingly innocent like “Do you have the time?” The chances are she asked you for a reason. This question is her way of “opening” you, and opening up a potential conversation.
The final thing to look for is a woman who gets close to you in proximity. If for instance you notice a woman that you saw a few minutes earlier (or earlier in the night), only this time she is standing much closer to you, the chances are she moved there for a reason. Usually, women will move close to someone they are attracted to so that they have a better chance of interacting with that man. She may even brush up against you as she walks by, or subtly bump in to you. These are all very indirect ways of her letting you know that she wants to interact with you.
Most women usually won’t approach a man and start flirting with him. It happens, but not very often. If you are hoping or relying on them to approach you, you will wind up spending a lot of nights alone. Instead, you have to make things happen as a man. What you can do, is look for the clues and hints that most women will send out and when they do, capitalize on them. They send you these clues for a reason (they are interested in you), so look out for them and make sure you know what to do when you notice them.