So you want to try to meet women during the day, awesome. And you want to try going indirect and asking her a question as opposed to going direct and telling her she looks beautiful, or cute, or sexy. Again, awesome. But now what do you say after she answers your question?
Oh shit, you forgot there was more!
That’s okay, that’s why there are dating coaches like myself, to be there and tell you what to say next. Whether she is open to your question, and gives you a welcoming answer, or whether she is a cold-hearted you-know-what, it doesn’t matter. Because you know that you can either hook her in with the transitions revealed below, or you can just move right to the next woman, who will absolutely love you!
So after a typical indirect opener of say “Hey, excuse me, can you tell me where so and so is? I’ve been trying to find it for the last few minutes.” She then will give you one of a few different reactions, which will be either she stops and answers (friendly), she says she doesn’t know and keeps walking (not so responsive), or she will completely ignore you (dreadful). Believe it or not most women (especially in the Boston area) will be in the middle, the not so responsive category. This is not great, but not bad either, it is typical. And you can definitely work with it.
Just think of it for a second. If you were walking down the street and some random person started talking to you, wouldn’t you most likely be a little hesitant at first? However, after talking to them for a minute, you would definitely warm up to them. And this is what the transitions are meant to do. They are meant to afford you more time to get to know her, and more time to make her comfortable. The longer you stay talking to her, the better your chance is of “connecting” with her. So here they are. 5 Transitions to say right after she responds to your indirect question:
- “Thanks you seem really nice, are you from the area?” This obviously is a good one to say to a woman who is very receptive, and had a friendly response to your question.
2.“Thanks I’m ____ by the way.” Then shake her hand, and get her name as well. This will show that you are a friendly guy, and hopefully she will be receptive to this and become friendly as well.
3. “Thanks so much.” And then compliment her on her appearance, either her clothes, an accessory, a pet, shoes, anything will do. “Aw I just noticed your sweatshirt, I absolutely LOVE the Bruins, that’s awesome!” Or “I love your tattoos, where did you get them?”
4. “Okay thanks.” Then go direct. Jump right into a compliment about her appearance. Say “Oh my god I just realized how cute you are!”
5. “Thanks.” Then quickly ask her another question. This is for the girls that are either in a rush to get away, or giving you that dreadful response, like completely ignoring you. You can just jump into another question, or call her out on this. Say “Oh I’m sorry, are you in a rush? This will only take a second.” Then ask her another question, keeping the conversation alive.