If you’re online—whether through running a blog, your business website, or your social media page—great job! You’re ahead of the proverbial curve. If you’re not online, however, it’s time to wake up and get with the program!
If you’re still living in the Stone Age, otherwise referred to as the 20th century, you have to check back into reality! I got news for you cavemen and women: Computers are here to stay. They made their appearance in your 20th century, but their now more important than ever and they’re only gaining significance, and fast!
The internet . . . that’s taking over!
Yes, if you own or run a business it’s absolutely essential you get your company online.
Here are 4 reasons why.
1. You Can Reach a Much Larger Audience
Now, unlike ever before, with this great, innovative, and remarkable technology known as the internet, your business can reach an incredibly wider audience. Instead of relegating your advertising exploits to outdated medias like newspaper, radio, or even television, where you won’t nearly reach as diverse an audience as you’d like, being online, your audience is quite literally infinite!
With a great blog post, a viral video, or a savvy Google or Facebook Ad, you’re able to showcase your business to 1,000s if not 1,000,000s of people pretty easily. The potential here is astounding.
2. Businesses Not Online Are No Longer Becoming Businesses
Every day, an ancient, Stone Age Era business, considered financially stable just a few short years back, is shutting down its doors for good. If you don’t believe me take a look at the pre-historic dinosaur formerly known as Blockbuster Video.
In the 1990s Blockbuster was the face of all movie rentals, raking in millions upon millions in profit each year, and later had an estimated value of nearly 5 billion dollars. However, approached with the opportunity to expand their empire and buy a new, ingenious, and revolutionary startup company called Netflix, they declined. They passed on the ground-breaking technology Netflix was proposing and decided instead to stay the same. The 50 million Netflix was asking for, they deduced, was just too much.
Needless to say, Blockbuster’s success didn’t last long after this. They became extinct shortly after just like all of the other stubborn dinosaurs of their time.
3. Technology Is Doubling Every Two Years
As Moore’s Law states “Processor speeds, or overall processing power for computers will double every two years.” This predication has remained true since the 1970s and it looks to remain the same well into the future.
Technology, computers specifically, are growing and becoming more complex at a staggering rate. To put some perspective on things, our tiny cell phones each have more computing power than all of NASA in 1969 when they put Neil and Buzz on the moon. That’s right, the computers within our little phones are so much more sophisticated than all of the computers which enabled two astronauts to fly up to and land safely on the moon!
4. The Internet Is The Universal Language
There are approximately 6,500 spoken languages in the world—everything from English, to Spanish, to French, to Arabic, to Swahili, to Chinese. But there is only one universal language. That language is the internet. The internet is the new language of the future; one that everyone must learn and speak to communicate to everyone else learning and speaking it. In 1995 there were approximately 44 million people on the internet worldwide (roughly 1% of the world’s population at the time). Today there are nearly 3 billion, or roughly 40% of the world’s population online!
All of these people speak the online language. Soon there will be more, and soon enough there will be everyone. Do you want to be the one who doesn’t understand everyone else? Do you want to be the person who feels left out when others are communicating? Of course not!
The time in now! Do not wait any longer. Please. Take this fair warning and switch over to the era we’re currently living in. The future has arrived and it’s online. I urge you: Do not waste any more of your time living in the past. For the sake of your business and for the sake of your livelihood, get online today!