It’s common knowledge that finding good, quality women to either date or have casual, sexual relationships with is not easy (Not everyone you meet is going to be a future spouse, but even still, finding good people to connect with is incredibly important!). It can often seem like an uphill battle!
For some guys it’s just a matter of not having the ability to attract women. They simply do not possess enough game. For others, it’s a matter of not having the necessary amount of time it takes to meet women. And still, for others, it comes down to not being surrounded by a sufficient amount of potential suitors. This, often compounds with the other two factors, and makes everything that much harder.
But I am here to help…
I want to give you the number one, hands-down, most-effective way to fix this last problem: the problem of not being surrounded by enough potential women!
There are undoubtedly several, more obvious ways, to fix this quantitative conundrum. Online dating, for instance, immediately comes to mind. Online dating is great because it quickly and rather effortlessly exposes you to a much wider audience than you could otherwise reach. Men once relegated to only meeting women in their small town can now meet women anywhere!
Another more obvious solution that comes to mind is approaching women. Approaching them simply affords you the opportunity of connecting with women throughout the day. Whether at night at the bar or in line at a coffee shop, by talking to a woman you see, you give yourself the chance to potentially create a relationship with her!
Without further ado however, and without further interruption, I’d like to share my best-kept secret for conquering this female abundance issue.
The number one secret to meeting more women is…drum roll please…befriending more women! That’s right, make more womanly-friends! Having more female friends opens you up to exponentially more imminent women to meet.
Whether you think a woman is attractive or not, or whether you actually want to start a sexual relationship with her or not, befriend the next woman you come in contact with. In fact, do not try to have a sexual relationship with her – just strictly try to have a friendly relationship. Sex often complicates things (see Eileen Benes and Jerry Seinfeld). Instead try to have a normal, pressure-less, and amicable connection with her.
By befriending a woman you can start to have social gatherings with her and you can meet some of her other friends who she will inevitably bring. From here, she will introduce you to some of her female friends, and most likely tell them how nice and awesome you are (providing of course you are in fact nice and awesome). You will have social proof already and you will be warmly accepted by her friends who you can then work your magic on. It’s a fool-proof method for success!
The more women you have around you that you’re friends with, the more doors this opens up. You will be surrounding yourself with more and more women, and exposing yourself to the highest potentials for success. So take my advice, and start befriending more women, regardless of your attraction to them.
On a final note, make sure you’re honest with a woman and don’t give off the wrong impression. Tell her you think of her as being just a friend, and nothing more, if that’s how you really feel. It’s perfectly acceptable to make friends with women and reap the benefits of having female friends in your life. But pretending to be friends with her, or worse yet, leading her on so that she brings around her more-attractive friends, is just plain wrong! Please, if you have any dignity and respect for women, do not do this.
With that said, get yourself some more female friends. It’s cool to hang out with the guys at the bar, but nothing beats being surrounded by women. Having more female friends will do you more good than anything else you could possibly try. The secret to success is now in your hands!