Really? What do you mean, stop learning about how to attract women and improve my love life? What a blasphemous thing to say. I will and cannot possibly do such a thing…I know I know, I am a dating coach and I am supposed to tell you to do your homework and learn as much as you can about attraction. I am supposed to encourage you to do your own research and acquire as much knowledge as you can right? Wrong.
I love the Dating Community, I mean L.O.V.E. it! But like all things great, we tend to overdo it and take it to the extreme. We as a society tend to hate moderation. Instead we like stuffing ourselves to the absolute limit, hence the fact the over 50% of Americans are obese. I myself am guilty of overdoing things rather frequently. Often, if I am eating something really tasty, I will have about 5x the recommended amount of it.
When it came to the learning about “game” material, I also was once guilty of this same principle. I overdid it. When I first learned about how to improve with women, and discovered the “community” of dating coaches, I was like an obsessed ex-girlfriend. I just couldn’t let go of my computer and all the books I was reading regarding the subject. I literally spent every minute of spare time for about 4 months just learning every single possible concept that any coach had to offer. I learned it all. I learned it backwards, forwards, sideways, and every which way possible…until I realized that there was nothing more to learn.
I had already done enough reading and video watching, and now I just had to go out and do it. I had to go out and really start to implement all these ideas, and leave all the “theory” behind attracting the opposite sex behind me. Basically I had fallen into a little trap of thinking I had to learn every little concept there was before I could actually talk to a woman. Looking back this was such a stupid idea, but at the time it made sense. I wanted to be a pro at picking-up women before I actually even approached my first girl. And it wasn’t until I began approaching and meeting girls that I actually started to really learn about “the game.”
If I could recommend anything to someone just starting out, I would recommend going in-field, talking to women, and just being more social more than anything else. Do practical training 90% of the time, and save all that researching and “theory” learning for the other 10% of the time when you’re bored. There really is so much garbage out there, and so many different conflicting ideas that the more you “learn” the more you actually set yourself back, and waste your own time.
Now I’m not saying to completely stop doing your research on different things, (And I am definitely NOT saying to stop tuning into my website every day, please continue to do so!) all I am saying is to try to have a little more moderation when it comes to this. Don’t do what I did, and waste a lot of your time, be more active, and go and actually “do” what it is you’re reading about. Stop procrastinating and think that you’re getting better. Go out and actually get better! Real life practice is what makes perfect.