Yes that’s right, I am going to go out on a limb here and say “Guys are innately great at attracting women.” All men in my opinion have it inside them to be the greatest pick-up artist in the world. We are all born with this ability to be attractive to the opposite sex; it is just part of our physiological make-up. Men are by nature attractive to women and women are by nature attractive to men.
That is man’s sole purpose, and for that matter, any species on the planet’s sole purpose: to be attractive to the opposite sex so that we may all reproduce. It is the fundamental reason for our existence. To reproduce with the opposite sex. Everything else doesn’t matter.
So with this being the case, would it not be obvious then that men must have some sort of inherited ability to help them do this. Must they not be born with something that is going to allow them to attract women so that they can reproduce and not become extinct as a species? And the answer is yes. It is called “Game.”
Like I said everyone has it. Everyone is born with it. (By the way women also share this same trait. They need to be attractive to men as well in order to reproduce. However that’s for another article.) Man is born with what we call “game.” He is innately great at attracting and appealing to women, but somewhere along the way he loses it.
Maybe it started when he was really, really little, like a baby, and his parents raised him a certain way, what they thought was right for society. Only it changed him, and he didn’t want to express himself the way he was meant to. Or maybe it was when he was a little older and a few of his little buddies told him that “girls have Koodies” and so he stopped hanging around them for years and years. Or maybe it was when he was a little older and he hit puberty and became insecure about his changing body. His friends made fun of him for this and he lost confidence in himself for years after that. Wherever it was, it happened. Somewhere along the line, something changed, and man forgot how much “game” he actually had. How easy it was for women to like him, and how fun it was to be himself.
His feelings were hurt, his insecurities were established, his walls went up, and his confidence went down. Man lost what he already had. He forgot how to attract women and how to be able to reproduce. My hope is that men will finally start to wake up and realize what has happened. That they have been conditioned by society to not be good with women. They have been trained to suck, and to be insecure with their true feelings. It is time to wake up and see what has happened. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and make women fall in love with who you really are. If you show women that you love being yourself, they will love you too!