Keeping yourself in shape is a must for having a successful dating life. Women don’t necessarily care how great a guy looks, or particularly how “in shape” a guy is, but they do prefer guys who take care of themselves. It shows women that you have high standards for yourself and that you have a great deal of respect for yourself when you stay in shape. Not only this but it keeps your self-esteem up, your confidence high, and even makes you a better sexual partner in the bedroom.
With that said, I would like to give you 7 rules to follow for going to the gym. A lot of guys just don’t know how to appropriately act when they work out. It’s almost like they are kindergarteners on their first day of school. It’s a new, foreign, and uninhabited terrain for some guys, and they simply don’t realize there is a certain protocol to follow. Unbeknownst to many men, they break this protocol almost every time they set foot inside a gym. So listen up if you think you might be one of these guys, or if you’ve never even knew there was such thing as gym etiquette.
Number 1. Re-rack Weights
This is the first and most obvious rule of them all. In fact, most gyms clearly have signs posted about racking your weights after you are done using them. Hey, I know it’s a pain sometimes, especially if you have 20 plates on your leg press machine, but it’s even more of a pain for the next person to un-rack them after you. So do it.
Number 2. Yelling
Whether by yourself or at the gym with your buddy, yelling at the top of your lungs is not acceptable. Nobody needs to scream when they are lifting weights. All too often however there is that proverbial “meat-head” who wants everyone to know how much he can lift. Look I understand a few grunts here and there, or perhaps a shout on the last rep of a 500 pound bench press, but come on, screaming out like a tortured animal on every rep of a bicep curl is just ridiculous!
Number 3. Don’t Do Exercises on the Wrong Equipment
I am not against doing bicep curls at all. I am however against doing them on a squat rack. For one you don’t need to be inside the rack to do curls, it’s unnecessary. For two you are taking up the rack from other, more serious lifters. But finally, and most importantly, you can’t possibly be using anywhere near the amount of weight that’s usually attached to the squat rack, (i.e. 10-20, 45lb plates) so by having the Olympic bar hold two 10lb plates, it just makes you look foolish…and weak.
Number 4. Wipe the Machine if You’ve been Sweating on It
This is simple: If you sweat on a machine or use a machine while perspirating in any way, wipe it down!
Number 5. Don’t Go With All of Your Friends
Going with your buddy to the gym is absolutely fine. However, like they say, “One’s a company, two’s a crowd.” Going with no more than one person, like two, three, or even four of your friends is not okay. This is clearly and far and away beyond the gym etiquette, so stop it.
Number 6. Give People Space
Be courteous when you lift. Saddling up right next to a guy with two 100lb dumbbells on his chest, and doing lateral shoulder raises, or even jumping jacks is not a good idea. The guy doing the serious weight is literally under a lot of stress as it is; he doesn’t need you adding to it. Give him at least 3 feet past your arm reach, so he can concentrate on the weights and not you accidentally dropping one on him.
Number 7. Don’t Be a Machine-Hog
If you’re doing 20 sets on one machine, let others hop in between sets. Don’t be a Machine-Hog and sit resting on machines while others wait and wait and wait some more in frustration. If you see someone waiting for your machine, allow them to hop on and work while you rest.
That is it. Follow these rules, and enjoy your time at the gym. You may even notice people start to smile at you, and be more friendly when you follow these rules. No longer do you have to walk around wondering why so many people are giving you dirty looks or looking at you in annoyance. You can now successfully integrate yourself into the gym population. Good luck.
Drew says
I try to just look away when I see someone using a machine completely wrong. They were obviously never taught how to use it and that’s not really their fault since they are just trying to exercise but at the same time, it’s infuriating and a waste of space. I’m glad you mentioned it.
Justin Stenstrom says
Thanks man. Yeah it’s tough to blame someone for trying to better themselves but not knowing they’re doing something wrong. But like you said, it can be frustrating too.