Let’s face the facts, first dates are a big deal! You’ve met online or out and about perhaps. You’ve chatted about your favorite music and vacations, and now it’s time for the true chemistry test.
But how do you prepare and behave on the first date to ensure that you have a second date? What can you do to put yourself in the best position for having the next, and ever-important 2nd date?
Here are six great tips.
1. Plan The Damn Date!
This is by far the most masculine move you can make leading up to this date. It is your chance to set the tone as a leader. You are using this as an opportunity to bring her into your world. So, the next time you start to go back and forth with a woman about what she likes to eat, don’t! “I’ll see you at 7pm on Friday at (insert favorite restaurant). Their _______ is amazing and it’s my favorite place”. Bam! You just took charge!
2. Choose Appropriate Attire
Dress for the environment and for yourself. Wear something that makes you feel confident. Your outfit should fit you in every sense of the word. The cut and style of your clothing says a lot about you. Women look at every inch of this, right down to the wear on your shoes. Play up your masculine side, by being aware of that energy. How a man sits, stands, and takes up space can be an intrical part of attraction for a woman.
3. Be Yourself
I have a way you can be more interesting! Remember this phrase, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it.” Make the conversation about connecting on an emotional level. “Where did you go to school?” Becomes “What was the single best lesson you learned in college?” Women act and react 80% on emotion! This is how you make yourself memorable on a date.
4. Be ‘Emotional’
No, don’t start crying. Because women are such emotional creatures, it’s important to speak to them the way they are hard-wired to respond. Be passionate about your answers to their questions. Be animated and use gestures, without overdoing it and looking fake.
5. Don’t Be A ‘Friend’
Don’t be a ‘friend’ who gives advice or listens to problems, be the love interest she wants and needs! Give physical compliments. Be direct so that there is no misunderstanding of your interest. Mirror her body language (given that you are in fact interested). The worst thing you can do is let a woman walk away feeling indifferent.
6. Start With Lowered Expectations
That’s right gentlemen, lower your expectations going into that first date. Although she may have seemed witty, utterly charming, and irresistible prior to meeting, she could still be a dud. Never forget how easy it is to hide behind an email or a text; which brings me to why the hell you didn’t speak on the phone! We all need to be pulling the trigger more on this. All of the LOL’s and emojis in the world will never give you real insight into someone’s personality. Tone of voice, hesitation, and demeanor says everything!
The best advice I can give about first dates is to always have a take-away from them. This can be good or bad. Every person you meet in your life has something to teach you, so keep that in mind. Bad dates help you formulate that list of absolute deal breakers. Good dates teach you what you love about spending time with someone special. Use these as a guide to set standards and reach relationship goals. You certainly shouldn’t settle, but you might as well learn from the bitches and duds along the way!