There are hundreds if not thousands of things all men could and probably should stop doing. This list is literally endless. But for the sake of not creating a website based on misandry, I’ll outline only 10 of the most important ones. After all, this is a sight based on improving men, not oppressing them. No man is perfect, and no man is without sin. We all have our faults, some more obvious, and some more serious.
Also, aside from the more evident, more dramatic things like lying, cheating, or stealing, this list is a little more wholesome and a little heartier. So listen up guys!
1) Being needy
A topic which has been covered quite frequently on our site, but still worth mentioning. This is the strongest offender for ruining your chances with a woman! Stop displaying needy behaviors!
2) Buying her love
Leading with your money is also another sure-fire way to totally turn a woman you’ve just met completely off! Stop trying to win her over by spending your hard-earned money on her. The attraction (if any), you think you’re getting, is fake at best and fleeting in a hurry!
3) Paying for sex
Guys who pay for sex pay for it because they have to. If you are paying for sex, you need to stop! Instead, focus your time, energy, and even money on working on yourself and building up a more attractive personality. For example, read self-help books, take comfort challenging classes, sign up for dating coaching (Even if not with me, with someone!), and become more social – meet and befriend more people!
4) Watching porn
There is nothing innately wrong with watching porn, except the fact that most people who watch porn watch too damn much of it! I guess it’s true that anything done in excess can be a bad thing. And watching porn is no exception. Various, reputable studies have found that watching too much can lead to a poor sex life, poor social life, and a poor will to improve both of these. So it might be best to shy away from marathon sessions of Pornhub multiple times a week!
5) Working at jobs they hate
Life is too short. If you have a job you hate or are unhappy with find something else! Why waste anywhere from 40-60 hours out of your life being miserable? We are only afforded 168 hours each week. If you factor in an average of 8 hours of sleep each day, working a job you are miserable at takes up anywhere from 36-54% of your remaining time. Why waste half your life being unhappy?
6) Talking about other women
Guys, if you are with a woman, refrain from talking about other women. If you do this, it not only A) Turns women off, but B) Makes you look like you are trying to show off, which always backfires. Guys who surround themselves with women do not need to boast about this; it comes out on its own and gives you social proof and pre-selection naturally. Guys who try to bring other women up just come across as trying to look cool, and instead look desperate.
7) Not taking care of themselves
If you want to be successful you must…bathe. This should be one of the most obvious things on every man’s checklist. Yet surprisingly, some guys half-ass this one. Stop! If you don’t shower at least once a day, do so now! If you don’t brush your teeth at least 3x a day, wear deodorant after showering or working up a sweat, and if you don’t stay on top of your groom-game, do so now! This is the fastest way to turn women off!
8) Sending unattractive messages on social media
I’m not sure why this one is so prevalent among guys, but for some reason so many guys like to send unattractive and unaccommodating messages to women on social media. Commenting on her Facebook pictures telling her how beautiful she looks or sending her Tweets on Twitter about how perfect she is just isn’t going to work. Not now and not ever. Messages like these do the exact opposite of what you intend.
9) Not escalating
Guys, if you don’t try, you’ll never go anywhere. Men have to lead the way in many different situations with women. This is how it is; customary to the way we’ve lived for many thousands of years. Physical escalation, taking things from your first physical greeting to the bedroom for sex, has to be done by the male. If you do nothing, you will never have sex with women. It’s that simple. Start trying to escalate with a woman as soon as you think she is into you!
10) Catcalling
Just plain stupid. If you want to talk to a woman or approach her, then do so. Yelling or whistling, or communicating in any other way from 50 feet behind her, or across the street is just moronic. It’s not going to work and it makes women uncomfortable. Again, if you want to approach her, absolutely do so. I think this is a great way to meet women. But if you want to be a jackass, then keep catcalling her. You not only WON’T meet any women this way, but you’ll ruin it for the rest of the good guys out there who want to.
So there you have it men. A palpable list of things to stop doing right now. Please take heed and avoid doing these things today. You’re dating life, love life, and sex life will all transform for the better! Oh yeah, and do not fear guys, I have a list of the Top 10 Things Women Should Stop Doing coming out soon! So don’t worry, you’ll get your chance at rebuttal!